Featured Dealers

Pukall Lumber
10894 Hwy 70 East
Arbor Vitae, WI
Phone/Fax: 715-356-3252

Pukall Lumber
Pukall Lumber

Please provide a brief history and/or business strategy of your company.
Pukall Lumber Company is a family owned and operated wood products manufacturer located in Arbor Vitae. Pukall Lumber started as a sawmill in 1937 and gradually added building supplies to its lumber sales. They have grown to be the largest pine sawmill in Wisconsin and the premier building supply business in the Wisconsin Northwoods with two lumberyards.

How long have we had a business relationship?
At least 30 or 40 years.

What Maze Nails products are handled at your location?
Split-less wood siding nails, Small head siding nails, PTL nails, Joist hanger nails etc.

Is there any particular reason(s) that your customers purchase Maze Nails instead of a competing product?
The reputation and the quality of the products. There are never any issues with Maze Nails, and the paint doesn't chip off.

Any interesting stories / experiences with the Maze Nails product line?
Pukall Lumber and Maze have similar beginnings in that Pukall started out as a sawmill and evolved into a lumberyard, and Maze started out as a lumberyard and evolved into a nail mill.

A local news account featuring the sawmill operation is available on their website. Pukall's second lumberyard is located in Manitowish Waters, WI.

     A Note From The Local Sales Rep     
Pukall Lumber truly is one of the premier yards in the Wisconsin Northwoods. We are proud to be a partner in their excellent wood product offerings. We share similar values in that we are both family owned and take pride in providing superior quality products and excellent customer service. Our relationship and products have withstood the test of time!